EDIT: Please don't do this.
Thankfully, for you Firefox users, this won't work.
All of my webkit using readers see a blink tag, doing its blinking, which webkit does not implement. This is all thanks to an evil snippet of CSS:
@-webkit-keyframes blinkit { from { opacity: 1.0; } 50% { opacity: 0.0; } to { opacity: 1.0; } } blink { -webkit-animation: blinkit 500 linear 0 infinite normal; }
We can use our powers for good or for evil.
Sometimes, evil is just fun!
EDIT: This might not work for everyone, even in webkit browsers. It works less reliably when I actually post it, but it is still fun!
The current Chrome release channel is 23 versions ahead of you at 28.x, and the current dev channel is 25 versions ahead of you at 30.x.
Please update!