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I've been invited to attend what looks to be an amazing event, Edge Conference.
Edge looked to be a different sort of conference, and I'm excited to see how it works.
I'm going to be aborbing a lot, and I'm going to bring it all back here. I hope to have some thoughts before the conference on the two topics I'm most interested in discussing: Offline and Responsive Images, and I can't wait to see how my understanding and opinions on all of the topics change with the conference.
I've been invited to attend what looks to be an amazing event, Edge Conference.
Edge looked to be a different sort of conference, and I'm excited to see how it works.
Edge is about everyone learning from everyone else, so you need to bring something to teach as well as a desire to learn. Every moment of the conference will be publicly available afterward.I hope that I can bring something to the discussion, and I feel that if I don't try to do so, I'm not getting as much as I could out of this. The format of Edge encourages and depends on it, in fact.
We open each hour long session with a ten minute talk. After that, we’re into the discussion, and we keep it moving fast. We record everything, on video and in text. Everything is released for free to the world the moment the event ends.While I hope I'll be able to get in my two cents to what is sure to be a great crowd of brilliant people, I'm really excited about what I can learn from all of them. There are some people involved that I've looked up to for a long time, most notably Rob Hawks, Kumar McMillan, and how could I not mention Paul Irish?
I'm going to be aborbing a lot, and I'm going to bring it all back here. I hope to have some thoughts before the conference on the two topics I'm most interested in discussing: Offline and Responsive Images, and I can't wait to see how my understanding and opinions on all of the topics change with the conference.
Someone should tell Planet Python...