I couldn't think of a better title that fit my "How To ..." pattern. The point is, I wanted to make a response to the 37signals post that I found a little harsh. Sure, if you were able to build your company up without investors, that's a great thing! It doesn't make it a terrible thing to get a boost in the early stages or give you a license to insult people trying to pay the bills and put children through college. Making great products is something a lot of us aspire to. Frankly, that simply isn't all of us and there really are good developers out there who are still only in it for the money. I don't know that is the case with Mint.com, but neither does anyone over at 37signals. Belittling them for taking a quick-cash option assumes a lot that may just be completely wrong about the intentions. Now with a chunk of change, maybe the founders are planning to jump ship in a couple years and self-fund their real dreams. On the matter of start-up investment it...