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Showing posts from June, 2006

New Job, Fun Projects, and Amazon S3

I haven't posted in a while, but things have been going on. I thought I'd post about some of the more interesting aspects. I've recently began a fairly regular contracting deal with an interesting company, and I'll have to be a little vauge on some aspects, because of NDAs and such. During one of my usual nights of aiding the Pythoners of #python on, I was discussing a project someone was trying to complete and the long debate about various routes that could be taken led to me being contracted for the job, which I've had fun with. I've been contracted to build a Fuse package, which uses Amazon's S3 as its storage mechanism. It is a fun system to work with, because of its simplicity and challenging limitations. For example, all operations are redundant, but non-atomic, because the same data could be changed at the same time, and its unpredictable how it would propogate across their redundant network. Mostly this hasn't been an issue, beca...

Pandora Pop-Up White Bars Bug the Crap Out of Me!

Pandora Internet Radio - Find New Music, Listen to Free Web Radio So, they added this weird white-bar to top top of pop-up options, and I wrote them to complain because I find it very ugly and unintuitive. I would expect a titlebar-like control as such to be used to move a widget or window, and the X at its left to close the widget just enforces that thought, even tho the bar seems to serve no purpose. Pandora's people tell me it was for some very soon to come updates and that I would see why soon. So, this morning I see they updated the interface again, and there are auto-appearing controls to vote on songs instead of clicking for the menu on each song. That means I will almost never ever see that popup. Is that what they were talking about? Am I missing something? technorati tags: pandora , music , userinterface Blogged with Flock

I've Joined the Flock

Flock — The web browser for you and your friends So this Firefox-based browser is pretty cool. It integrates, Flickr, and blogging. It seems to be strongly related to Yahoo! I'll probably use this for all my casual browsing, keeping Firefox around for development, only. technorati tags: flock , web , browser , software Blogged with Flock